Marie-Laure Ryan

Marie-Laure Ryan


Personal data
Born Geneva, Switzerland
Residence Bellvue, Colorado
Hobbies Hiking, skiing, horseback riding, backpacking in Southwestern deserts, nature photography
Family Caitlin and Duncan (kids), Snorri-Zeus (feline)


High school Coll ge Voltaire, Geneva (then Ecole Sup rieure de Jeunes Filles)
Undergraduate Universit de Gen ve, Facult des lettres, with some fun abroad at Georg August Universit t, G ttingen, Germany
Graduate University of Utah (M.A., Linguistics; MA, German; Ph.D, French)
Post-Graduate (or back to undergraduate) University of California, San Diego (Computer Science)

During my breaks from independent scholarship I was...

Software Engineer, Software Microsystems, San Diego, California (1982-4)
Software Consultant, Pacific Analytical, Carlsbad, California (1985-1991)
Instructor, English Department, Colorado State University (1994-5)
Fellow, Cornell Society for the Humanities (1999)
Scholar in Residence, English Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2009-2010
Gutenberg Fellow, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, 2010-2011

Awards, appointments, committees

Awarded the 1992 Annual Prize for Independent Scholars by the Modern Language Association for Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence and Narrative Theory
Recipient of a one-year grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1998
Awarded the 2002 Jeanne and Aldo Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies from the Modern Language Association for Narrative as Virtual Reality
2001-2002 Recipient of Guggenheim Fellowhip. Project: Literary Cartography
2017 Awarded the Wayne Booth award for lifetime achievement by the International Society for the Study of Narrative
